4 Tips on How to Prepare for Your Musical Performance

So you’ve taken your private music lessons and you are ready to show what you’ve learned! Where do you start? See the 4 tips below on how to best prepare for your musical performance.

Whether you want to perform in front of a large audience or just a small group of friends and family, there are a few basic tips on how to prepare:

  1. Be Yourself. This is the first and most important rule for a few reasons. To quote a popular children’s book, “today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Nobody can provide a performance quite like you can. How do you stand out? BE YOURSELF. Not only does your audience appreciate the uniqueness that you provide, the ability to be yourself makes you more passionate which also translates into a stronger more memorable performance.
  2. Be Organized. A lot of young performer make the mistake to “just wing it”. They get lost on the way to the venue, don’t bring the right clothes, they forget the basics. These things are bad enough on their own, but that also takes a toll on your mental and emotional state. Which brings us to the next rule…
  3. Be Mentally Present. It is so easy to get caught up in the stresses of daily life. Leave that at the door. To be mentally present ensures a stronger, more engaging performance. Whether it is meditation or another type of mental exercise, find what works for you and make it part of your routine.
  4. Be Physically Ready. Get plenty of rest the night before, plan when and what you eat, and don’t have any physically straining rehearsals on the day of.

Have any other tips that work for you? Let us know in the comments!