Reopening Safety Measures

As the state has begun to lift COVID-19 restrictions, theatres and performing arts venues in Williamson County are now permitted to open with modifications. COVID-19 continues to be a threat in our community. As things open locally, we encourage each family to do what is best for them. We do not expect everyone will feel comfortable returning at this time, and we understand. For those who do feel comfortable attending, we are taking the following precautions. Using CDC and state recommendations, we have implemented a wide range of health and safety measures to reduce potential exposure to COVID-19.

  • Out of respect for others, face coverings are strongly encouraged for anyone who enters our building.
  • We ask that social distancing of at least 6 feet of space be maintained.


  • Reduce capacity to 50%.
  • Limited advance purchase tickets are available online only.
  • Ticketholders will undergo a health screening and temperature check upon arrival.
  • Limit physical contact between staff and guests. Staff will wear face coverings.
  • Block off every other row to accommodate social distancing.
  • Maintain at least 15 feet of separation between audience members and performers.
  • Eliminate any components in which performers go into the audience or audience members are encouraged to come on-stage.
  • Maximize physical spacing between performers on-stage.
  • Sanitize building and seats before and after each performance.
  • Sanitize high-contact points on an increased schedule.
  • Use floor markers throughout the building to assist with social distancing.
  • Reduced concessions will be available. Refills will be suspended. Water fountains will not be available for use.


  • Staff and performers will undergo daily health screenings including temperature checks.
  • Staff will be required to wash hands upon arrival and at minimum every 30 to 60 minutes, dependent on job role.
  • Staff are required to wear masks at all times except when performing.
  • Performers are encouraged to wear masks except when performing.


  • Class schedule and size will be limited.
  • After every class, there will be a break for sanitizing.
  • Bathrooms and all apparatus and equipment used in class will be sanitized after each class.
  • Silks will be sprayed with alcohol between each class and laundered at the end of the week.
  • Hand sanitizer will be placed in lobby and gym.
  • Lobby contact surfaces will be sanitized including door handles, screens, phones, pens, keyboards, and other areas of hand contact every two hours.
  • Only students registered for class will be allowed inside building.
  • Signage on studio health policies will be posted throughout the studio.
  • Arrive no sooner than five minutes before class start time.
  • Leave immediately after class. Parents must be prompt for pick up as students will not be allowed to wait in the lobby.
  • Abide by guidelines established by Expression City.


  • Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
  • Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat?
  • Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours?
  • Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?
  • Temperatures will be taken on site each day upon arrival.
  • Anyone who answers yes to any of the screening questions (or who is running a fever of 100.4 or higher) will be instructed to leave the premises immediately and seek medical care.
  • NOTE: Older adults (age 65+) and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.


  • Stay home when feeling ill, when exposed to COVID-19 (e.g., positive household member case), or if diagnosed with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
  • Increase hygiene practices—wash hands more frequently, avoid touching face, practice good respiratory etiquette.
  • Wearing a cloth face covering or mask to help protect against the spread of the virus is strongly encouraged.
  • Practice recommended social distancing to the greatest extent possible.
  • Sanitize classroom and equipment at the end of classes.
  • Abide by guidelines established by Expression City.